For most of my life, I’ve been an optimist.  In high school, I was even given a character award for […]
I recently had an interesting experience with my son.  He’d been participating in a club at school where the leader […]
My wife has become an ultra-runner. If you’re not familiar with the term, it signifies those running races beyond the […]
At the EntreLeadership Summit (@EntreLeadership) of 2019, three of the speakers, Dr. Henry Cloud, Patrick Lencioni, and Simon Sinek spoke […]
For a number of years now, the term Growth President has been in the vernacular of college boards, C-Suite leaders […]
I had the pleasure of attending “Business Gets Personal,” a one-day conference with Seth Godin (@ThisIsSethsBlog), Dave Ramsey (@DaveRamsey), and […]
If you ever have had the opportunity to attend a Dave Ramsey EntreLeadership Event (and if you haven’t, and you’re […]