For a while now, I’ve been saying this:  Education as we know it is dying a 100-year death.  I was […]
Earlier in my career, I was a regional dean for Indiana Wesleyan University.  During a significant portion of that assignment, […]
I’ve seen it time and again…examples of exceptional teachers in higher education and some dismal failures.  We look to faculty […]
The most common differentiation I hear between pedagogy and andragogy is the simple definition … the art and science of […]
The phrase of change is the new constant is one that is sometimes frustrating to embrace. This is a surviving […]
Let’s make an assumption that you have achieved or have an intentional path towards the mindset of online curriculum in […]
As noted in the Curriculum Design for Online Programs recording from the ABHE workshop, it can feel like a conflict […]
There has been a push in elementary education across the grades to de-centralize curriculum development. However, there is a danger […]
What good prescriptive curriculum boils down to is the philosophy of creating an architectural framework of learning that ensures faculty […]
If you’re not familiar with the theoretical construct, Student-Centered Learning (SCL) puts the learner as the focus and owner of […]