For a while now, I’ve been saying this:  Education as we know it is dying a 100-year death.  I was […]
I am a systems thinker.  As soon as I enter a new. . .whatever. . .I start seeing the systems […]
Earlier in my career, I was a regional dean for Indiana Wesleyan University.  During a significant portion of that assignment, […]
I can’t tell you how many times that I’ve had this conversation as a parent with my children.  Sometimes it […]
In our household, the end of the year can be an extremely busy time (I’m sure we’re the only ones, […]
One maxim that I share with team members here at InterLearn is that “you can tell clients that you don’t […]
I’ve seen it time and again…examples of exceptional teachers in higher education and some dismal failures.  We look to faculty […]
For most of my life, I’ve been an optimist.  In high school, I was even given a character award for […]
I recently had an interesting experience with my son.  He’d been participating in a club at school where the leader […]
My wife has become an ultra-runner. If you’re not familiar with the term, it signifies those running races beyond the […]